Ice Age
“Ice Age” is a choreographic collaboration between sight impaired Chung An Chang of Resident Island Dance Theatre in Taiwan and disabled choreographer Maylis Arrabit from France.
At its centre “Ice Age” is focussing on the different ways that people support each other, each in their own cultural environments. In particular it is looking at this current period of time and the global threat of Covid 19. Chung an and Maylis are now in the process of finding a new way to work together because of the pandemic.
The world has been brought to a standstill like a moment stretched out in time and has impacted every country differently. Some governments believe the worst is over and they are beginning their economic games, some play chess, whilst others, poker. The stakes?... LIFE itself. Coming out of lockdown people face huge uncertainties. Though some people love the lockdown, others are freaking out, and going back to ‘normal’ is scary even for those who live in the safest place in the world.
The first showcase of Ice Age will be at 2020 Taiwan Dance Platform presented by National Kaoshiung Centre for the Arts (Wei Wu Ying).
However, in 2021, we have residencies planned at National Kaoshiung Centre for the Arts (Wei Wu Ying), Dance Base in Scotland, and in The France Basque Country or Spain.
The premiere will be at the Taikang Culture Centre in Nov. 2021.
Contact producer Jih-Wen Yeh for more information.
Resident Island Dance Theatre website